The LISTA system offers a wide range of appropriate solutions for equipment typically used by banks and administrative organisations. When it comes to storage and archiving, LISTA offers the drawer cabinet in a filing cabinet version, along with other cabinet and shelf systems such as the universal shelf, LISTA sliding shelf units and the mobile shelf unit, which is particularly compact. Functional, high-quality system furniture such as the roller shutter cabinet is also available for offices.

Personal items can be stored cleanly and safely in LISTA clothes lockers, compartment lockers or charging cabinets, which offer an extra charging function for mobile phones. Like all LISTA workspace equipment, our solutions for banking and administration boast impressive modularity and design diversity. This allows you to choose from different locking solutions, for instance, or have your furnishings rendered in your company colour.


Comprehensive range

  • from A for access control to W for workstation systems

The system concept

  • all products can be freely combined

Tailor-made solutions

  • for customers with specific needs

Maximum flexibility

  • with a choice of colours, configuration options and more

Wide range of services

  • such as training, planning, assembly, labelling, etc.

10-year guarantee

  • unique in the industry

Worldwide distribution and service network

  • for unlimited customer service

First-class references

  • from more than 100000 prestigious companies worldwide

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